Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia had had enough. She walked up infront of this new wolf. "Whats your name? where does your alligence lie?"

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira just sat in front of him and looked at Tan.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: He shook his head and looked at Tantsia and replied, "They lie with the fallen, the betrayed, and the ones who strive against life alone." Then Felil looked at Katira and said, "I am...sick...and need to be alone." He tried limping past them.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia looked at Katira. She nodded.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz asked "whats happened"

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira pushed him down again. "Come on you are not just sick what the hell is the matter?"

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "ANSWER BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia growled at Blitz. "That shall be enough."

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil stood again and growled deeply, "What do I have to do to be left alone by you pups?"

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia looked at Felil, she snorted at him. "I'm trying to help..... "she said, glaring at him. San froze up again.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: "I am not a pup! Goddess!" She moved out of his way. "Fine be that way..." She got up and walked away fuming. Damn wolf...if he wanted to be alone so be it.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil sighed with contentment and pressed pass the other two.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira changed her forms and just kept walking. All she ever wanted to do was help. But NO, he just wanted to be ALONE....fine...let him be that way. But he better not need her any time soon.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San fell out of the tree.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Something hit Katira in the head and she looked down. There was San. "So you are a sneaky one huh?" Katira picked her up and dusted her off.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San got up. "Uh sorry.!!" she explained. She jumped back up in the tree and took off.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil layed atop a rock and groaned in pain as his bones popped and his muscles relaxed. He lies there looking at the moon whining softly.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira watched her disappear and she kept walking.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia walked up behind Felil. She layed next to him and licked his cheek. "There is no reason to be alone." she said calmly, and caring. San nearly died when she saw Tantsia being good.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Her tongue felt only cold and empty when she licked him. He looked at her and whined softly, then turned his head back to the moon.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: OKay...she was mad. She was beyond mad. He had no right to be that way....NONE.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San was freaking out! Tantsia didnt care if he liked it or not. "Why do you wish to be alone?"

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "if hes gonna be a stubborn mule you have to chastise them"

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil stood up and faced Blitz growling and his eyes glowing a deep red color as his hackles stood on end. "If you wish to fight dog, then I am standing right here."

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San looked at him. She sighed. If they fought, Tantsia would get in it, then she would have to.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Oye...Katira walked not back to crush but back to check on the bear. She wondered how it was doing.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "stand down mutt"

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia growled at Blitz. "He's injured. Stand down or You'll have to mess with me!" she growled.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: "I have more of a pure soul than you do filth, You insulted me for the last time, if you cannot back up your insults then stay your tongue, or I will silnece you forever." His very form seemed to ripple in and out of reality, very strange...

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San stood up. She looked at Blitz.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: She got up and left the cave. "Why are males so stupid?!" Katira was talking to herself and no concentrating and ran right into a tree. She rubbed her forehead. "Owe..."

2006-02-06 [DELTA 1]: blitz's eyes went deep black to resemble a warning "im not gonna fight you it would be a waist

2006-02-06 [Princess Mononoke]: San growled. Tantsia looked up at her.

2006-02-06 [DELTA 1]: "oh san be quiet im not gonna fight him it isnt in the warriors code to fight a wounded opponent"

2006-02-06 [Princess Mononoke]: San glared at him.

2006-02-06 [DELTA 1]: blitz walked to the edge of the cave and sat down muscles still flexing

2006-02-06 [Clive Scorch]: Felil turned and layed in his side with a loud thud and a soft whimper.

2006-02-06 [DELTA 1]: blitz wasnot going to attack but if he pushed blitz just a litttle bit more he would of

2006-02-06 [Princess Mononoke]: san sat down. Tantsia left and went off into the woods.

2006-02-06 [Clive Scorch]: Felil let out a soft apology, "Forgive me..." then his attentions seemed to shift else where.

2006-02-06 [Princess Mononoke]: (I'm sorry to say, but i'm leaving forever! Good luck, and Bye!)

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: ((NOOOOO....what! COME BACK!!!!))

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Katira walked to a quiet secluded place and just sat down. TO much drama...not enough peace...not enough rest. Grum...she thought she needed a nice lay and some weeks of sleeping.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: Crush lay in a tree in his wolf shape he was resting, his eyes opened but he seemed to be alseep.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Katira layed back and hit her head on a rock. "Owe.." "Damn I am such a clutz.."

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He flicks an ear, "You ok?"

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: She looked up thinking she was secluded. "I would be if I didn't run into things..." She rolled over and layed in a comfy spot.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He nods and closed his eyes and kept his ears up to hear for anything.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Okay...she'd had it. She got up and started walking away. Seclusion...something she wasn't going to get. Oh well. She started walking deeper into the woods.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: Crush let her go and sighs lightly lowereing his ears.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: "You can come if you want. You don't have to sit around and mope like a puppy." She yelled back to him.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He snarls a bit, "heh i'm not moping..."

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: "You sure sound like it." She smiled to herself.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He sighs and shrugs, "Whatever you think maybe differnt from what it is my dear..."

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: "Stop mpeing and come on if you want." She laughed silently to herself and stopped in a small clearing in the middle of the woods.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He stayed where he lay not wanting to move from his comfy spot. He relaxed and sighs, 'im not moping...' He thought to himself.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: "You are too!" She yelled back at him. She found a nice comfy patch of grass and layed down and started to drift off to sleep.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: He was then silent.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Katira smiled to herself and she fell asleep. No one to bug her...nice quiet and comfy...oh this was great.

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: Crush relaxed but stayed aware.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: The dreams started to come. She knew she wouldn't escape them. Katira froze as she watched everything happen again...all over. Them impregnating her..ripping the baby from her...killing her family and friends...poisoning her...using her...

2006-02-06 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to her a bit worried.

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Her body jumped in her sleep and twitched here and there. Her head tossed and turned, and she jumped so bad she woke herself up. She rubbed her head and sat up. "Yummy."

2006-02-07 [Yudan333]: Crush lowers his ears, "Why do you say Yummy? I thought they said that when tasting something good..."

2006-02-07 [Lady_Feara]: Feara gets up and looks around.

2006-02-07 [Yudan333]: ((for all members of [Wolfs United] There are more unique banners that i have made, go to Banners@Wolfs United To put them in your page! Thank you!))

2006-02-07 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked up. "It's just my word..." She layed back down but didn't close her eyes. She didn't want to dream yet again about that horrible place...

2006-02-08 [Clive Scorch]: Felil curls up in a ball on his rock and shivers almost erraticly.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Katira rolled over onto her side and sighed..."I hate these damn nightmares...I wish they would just leave me alone..." She got up and walked towards the city.

2006-02-08 [Lady_Feara]: She walks to the edge of the camp and sits down looking at the sky.

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: Crush was silent, he wanted to help Katira, he knew a way to get back what she had lost, but he didn't think she though of him like that so he didn't say anything and sighs laying his head down.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Katira found some more clothes and went to feeding. This night...she took more then just one person. She took three and she went back to the woods. She kept her clothes on needing the comfort of something around her body and she looked up at Crush. She got up climbing up his tree and sat next to him. 'Did you lose anything while you were working for them?"

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: Crush looked at her, "No..." He lied a bit, something was taken but not what she was thinking of he was sure.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: "I mean something of you...something that you loved or...hated...or something you owned...anything." She looked away saddened by her nightmares.

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: He looked to her and looked down, "I lost my sister... the closest thing i had to a friend was her... and she was much younger than me... she was a mere pup... she didn't even look to be 5 as a human..." He looked away a bit.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: "What was ......her-she bit out that word- name?"

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: He looked away still, "Sunda..."

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: "It is a beautiful name..." She smiled to herself it kinda sounded like....Shuna-Da....her.....

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: Crush was silent, "She would have liked to hear that..."

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: "Did they kill her or take her away?" She thought she knew the answer but she wasn't sure. The Lykins usually kill the male Katagari pups and kept the females for breeding....and expiriments...and things she wished she hadn't known.

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: Crush looked down at the ground from the tree, "The used her... for years... I saw her one day and saw how much she had changed... they destroyed her... I hated them and went to face Kern... Bad idea... I lasted though... He offered her to be set free and placed in my position so we'd be together... but he wanted something in return..."

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: She looked at him. "He wanted you to kill me...?"It wasn't as much of a question as it was an answer to something she had been wondering about.

2006-02-08 [Yudan333]: He sighs, "yes... but first we had a small breach and we had to go to a village and kill the humans there... and there was a wolf hostage that we knew to be alive holding the secrets of the race so we had to destroy him as well... My sister didn't show. I went straight to kern. and demanded to see her...." He went silent. 

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: "What did he say he did to her?" She looked at him and she felt for him. She knew exactly what he was feeling.

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: Felil stood up on three legs and limped off into the woods away from the pack to find some food.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Red sat in the shadow of a tree, watching everyone, feeling distant as usual. Autumn on the other hand, was watching him from afar. She was waiting for him to screw up, or perhaps he really had repented... She sighed and decided to go for a quick hunt.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira sensed Felil and excused herself momentarily to bring him some fried fish that she had left over from the night before. "Here."

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: Felil looked at her and snorted, " I must have a certain type of food...only I can get." He limped up to a deep concave in a wall a ventured inside the darkness.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: She followed him and didn't care what he thought. He was still injurred.

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: Felil walked in on a bear that was back from a fresh kill. Felil sat and watched the bear eat for a moment.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira walked up to the bear and pat it. It was the bear she helped repair. "Hey there big lady..."

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: "This...creature is your friend," Felil seemed confused.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: "Yes...we thought it was attacking Yudan when in fact it wasn't, and she got injured (the bear) and I came back to help her. I bandaged her up and now we are buds. Why? You weren't going to try and eat her were you?" Katira looked at him a little supprised by what she thought.

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: He only snorted and walked out of the cave saying," I will find another..."

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: "Well you are sure as hell not going to eat any other animals here." She walked in front of him and offered him the fish again. 'It may nto be alive but it's good."

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: "I do not eat" Felil gave off a feeling of emptiness that felt very strange.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: "What do you eat besides other animals?"

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: "Are you going to make me starve to death by asking me a million questions?" He smiled and walked pass her.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Fall trotted around for a moment, smelling the ground for any scent of an animal, but instead caught the scent of another wolf. She straightened up and smelled the cold air again before identifying that it was female. She quietly ran through the snow toward the wolf, curious as to see who it might be. Autumn was the wolf Fall was going towards. Autumn also smelled Fall. She paused for a moment, crouched into the snow and sat there, blending in slightly with the white snow, waiting to see Fall.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: "You're already dead." She stood up and walked away. Obviously he didn't want her help and she wasn't going to be able to stop him from killing another live she walked away. it was not her place.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Fall stopped before she ran up on Autumn. She knew how close she was... She also crouched down into the snow and waited to see any sign of another. Autumn carefully pushed herself up, wondering why the other wolf had stopped, but was worried she'd be discovered. Silently, she started towards Fall.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katora walked back to the tree Crush was in and climbed up next to him.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs lightly glad to see her return, his feelings angered a bit and he grips his fists, "Kern Raped her... then killed her... After that I tried to kill him but he had his whole army on me... I was beaton terribly..." He held his chest his scar hurting.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: "I'm sorry...for your loss I mean...and I am sorry that they beat you." She looked at him momentarily but then looked away sorry for asking and making him remember.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush grips his chest as if ripping at the shirt. He tilts his head hiding his eyes from her, they were filled with hate and he didnt want her to see it.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: She turned his face to her and looked deep into his eyes. She knew the hate he felt she felt it everyday. She kissed each of his eyelids and pulled him into a close hug. "It's alright...she is someplace where no one can harm her now."

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: He slowly moved away from her, "And i could have stopped it from happening..." He hops down from the tree and walks. "If you'll excuse me..."

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: She looked sad at his moving away and nodded to him. She turned away from him and let him walk alone.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs light walking to a tree he rams his fist into it. The tree turned silver as metal and steel pumped into it killing it off, then the metals and iorns returned to his flesh and into his skin. He sighs looking at the now dead tree. He heard someone behind him and turns fast throwing his fist stopping just before hitting Yudan's face. "Sorry my lady..." He lowered his fist and sighs. Yudan shook her head, she was in a silk dress it went to her shins, the color was that of the moons and her eyes deep silver which made it all match. She shook her head, "if you need to hit something I'm right here..." She smiles a bit. He grins lightly, "I wouldn't do any such thing to you miss."

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira burried her face in her hands and just sighed. Life sucked...and then you died...

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked at Crush, "You havn't told her have you..." Crush looked at her, "What are you speaking of Miss Yudan..." Yudan shook her head and crossed her arms, "About the power you have... you can restore her womb..." Crush looked away, "I think it wrong... I do care for her to do that for her... but i don't she will accept it from me..." Yudan looked to him, "You can at least try... worse come to worse she says no... then she wont have pups with the man she loves... if she says yes you have truly showed how much you care for her... even if you two dont stay together..." Crush looked down as if in thought.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira hopped off the tree and walked towards the bear cave. She sat down and watched the bear sleep. She was so peaceful. Katira was sorry that the bear had gotten injured. And then...Yudan had attacked Katira...oh well. She looked down at her arm and indeed the wound was infected. "Probably fromthe pond water..." She started to squeeze out the infection while she sat in the cave.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan put a hand in crush's, "Let me show you something..." She pulled him with her, her footsteps silent on the ground, her bare feet not feeling the cold of the floor. Crush followed in wonder?

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira walked over to the bear and held its head in her lap. She pat the bear on the head and rubbed its ears. she really was sorry the bear got hurt. The bear had no ill will towards Katira but...she thought if Darsha came around the bear would hurt him...or the bear would die.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan stops and points, "Look there...." Crush looked at Yudan and then to what she pointed to. It was a grave. He slowly moved toward it.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira sighed and layed next tot he bear finally feeling the warmth of the bear and cuddled close and her eyes closed.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush looked at the grave and removed the leaves and blew the dust away, "nozomi?" He looked to Yudan confused and found her tearing. He looked at her deeply, "Who was he..." Yudan sadly smiles, "My brother... You wern't the only one who lost a young sibling... I thought you should know." Crush looked at her now having trust in her.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira fell into a deep sleep and the nightmares started again. This time...she could not wake up. She was running...through the facility....trying to save her baby...

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan could sense Katira's struggle and looked to Crush, "You should go to her..." Crush walks back up to her and looked at her, "Your a healer you could have healed her womb..." He said it not as a question. Yudan nods, "But i knew you'd come... I have mental powers... i can see into the water..." She shudders a bit.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira felt the stab...and the pull and the wrentching from her arms they took what was most precious to her. She skipped forward and was running, still bleeding from the one she "thought" was her human was horrible. Reliving what she could not change.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: ((What's going on right now? Kinda lost... *rubs back of head*))

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: ((Lol, katiras dreaming and crush is talking to yudan))

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: ((Thanks ^^))

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush dried one of her tears and hugs her, "Thank you Miss Yudan for sharing your mysterious secrets... I must go find Katira now..." He walks off. Yudan smiles.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira stood up in her sleep and wounds appeared on her skin. Blood was seeping from her womb and she was still asleep.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush could smell her blood and soon ran. His shirt ripped a bit, the scar on his chest had burned it away. He sped up and ran faster, "Katira!"

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Autumn's nose twitched at smelling the blood. She started to leave to find out what was going on, but stopped, unsure of letting this 'new' wolf enter their territory so easily.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan pats Autumns nose, "Dont worry, Crush will take care of this." She smiles.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: She started walking forward and out of the cave. She was so deeply in sleep. She started to run, like she was running from her presuers in her dream. She heard them calling after her (Crush calling to her she is running from him now thinking he is one of her presuers...)) She ran as fast as she could while bleeding and weak.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Autumn nodded to Yudan. "Then do you want to come with me? There's another around here..." She said quietly, looking back the way she had heard Fall. ((Is Yudan a katagira thingy? o.O))

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: ((hai! ^ ^ yes)) Yudan nods, "I'll follow you." Crush gained upon her fast, he jumps infront of her and grabs her shoulders, "katira!" He noticed she was asleep and shook her, "Wake up!"

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira's hands came up and she slashed at Crush with claws screaming horrible obscenities at him. She tried braking free but was caught and still continued to fight whom she thought was her attacker.

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Autumn nodded and started toward Fall. Fall, whom was hiding in the shadows, quietly side skirted the two, but kept them within seeing range. ((Kk... I'm seriously thinking about making one of the katagaria things.. I thinks they're cool ^^))

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush held her shoulders still a cut appeared on his cheek from her claws, "Katira! WAKE UP!"   ((ok))

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: ((thank you lol. )) Katira's eyes fluttered open for a moment and then down and she fainted. She had lost alot of blood and was fading.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush held her and lifts her into his arms, "Katira..." He looked at her, she was weak, he was tempted to bite his arm and let her feed.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: Her head lollied back and there was a fading scar that was a wound only a moment ago on her looked like claw marks. The wounds were healing but she was not.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: He had to do something, he kneels down holding her gently, he bit into his arm hard, blood came to the surface, he placed it over her mouth, "please... feed..." He knew it would give her back her energy and partially heal her.

2006-02-09 [eyes of frost]: The blood touched her lips and by instinct her eyes opened wide and her hands held his arm to her and she fed. She couldn't take the pain away becuase she was to weak...but she only took enough to tide her over and shelet go fainting again.

2006-02-09 [Clive Scorch]: Felil came across a cougar and he lied there watching its motions for a bit. memorizing how it moved, how strong it was, how fast...

2006-02-09 [Raiyr]: Fall now stood behind Autumn and Yudan, but kept low to the ground, trying not to become discovered. Autumn paused a moment and sniffed around again, somewhat confused.

2006-02-09 [Yudan333]: Crush shuddered a bit at her feeding then relaxed and held her gently. He looked to her abdoman and looked as if he was thinking. 'I can't do it without her permission... but she has always had that look that she wanted it back...' He thought silently. He placed a hand over her abdomon and looked to her. Yudan not far off sensed it and smiles, she was willing to use her power to help him succed in fixing Katira so she could have pups once more.

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira dreamed again...there was...something warm on her belly. She moved towards it...needing the warmth. There were strong arms around her, she moved closer to them. There was something about them that seemed familiar. She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't but...there was a name on her lips that she whispered outloud, "C-rush..." Then there was nothing but blackness in her mind. She was out...

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: Crush closed his eyes consintrating. His hand turns silver and he pressed over her gently, he held her close and kisses her forehead, "I'm here..." He used his power to repair her womb, though it wasn't at all easy. Yudan smiles and even used her powers to help him.

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira opened her eyes and a tear fell from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Crush and cried.

2006-02-10 [Raiyr]: ((Awe! ^^ lol...))

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: ((woot! Chick flick! -Hands out the popcorn and soda and the chocolate bars))

2006-02-10 [Raiyr]: ((Hey, by the way, [Princess Mononoke] has left elfpack. You can probably pull her name from the list...v.v))

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: ((I am talking her into coming back...))

2006-02-10 [Raiyr]: ((Lol *eats the chocolate* Yay! Chocolate! ^^ Ty))

2006-02-10 [DELTA 1]: ((try hard she left cause shes mad at me))

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: ((why? Oo)) Crush hugs her gently, "I'm here Katira..."

2006-02-10 [DELTA 1]: ((im not gonna say))

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira didn't cry...but damn....she hurt inside and out and she was tired of the nightmares. She cried against Crush and her whole body shook with sobs. They took her baby...tried to kill her, and then decided to send her a mate to kill her...and he didn't...he saved her instead. She was going to kill Yudan when she could walk again...

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: (very well) Crush looked at her gently and held her softly. He was drained from healing her womb and her body. He held her and rubs her back softly.

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: She couldn't say anything other then she was sorry, and thank you. She eventually stopped crying like the pathetic child she knew she was and she looked at him and touched his face. he looked horrible.

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs lightly, he knew his face looked strained from using all his energy. He held her gently and put his hand over hers.

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: "You need to feed. Leave Me here with Yudan and go feed."

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: Crush looked at her and smiles gently, "No it's all right..." Yudan walks over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Go... I'll watch her..." Crush nods and looked at Katira and kisses her lips gently, then staggers to his feet and runs off in a hurry. Yudan kneels down and took Katira's hands in hers and smiles.

2006-02-10 [eyes of frost]: "Did I ever mention that when I can walk again you are so dead..." She laughed and it hurt.

2006-02-10 [DELTA 1]: blitz sat behind yudan taking out a needle of painkiller medicine "here take this and hows the pup or i mean blaze"

2006-02-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan gently held Katira's hands and smiles softly, "Just rest..." She used her energy and fed it through her.

2006-02-13 [Clive Scorch]: After watching the cougar for long enough Felil rushed it from its left side. The cougar lept back and swiped Felil across the snout. Felil rolled with the blow and planted a solid shoulder into the cat's side knocking it over. Felil slid a bit before bouncing up and rebounding off of a tree and letting a fierce snarl. The cougar grabbed Felil in a bear hug using its claws to grapple around Felil's spine. Felil let a yelp out as he and the cat flipped over, the cat's head bashing into a rock with great force. The cat held fast his grip as they went rolling down a rock covered hillside.

2006-02-15 [eyes of frost]: Katire sighed and she wiggled away from Yudan. She had enough energy and was sleepy. She closed her eyes and slept.

2006-02-15 [Yudan333]: Yudan flicks her ears sensing Felil.   Crush was in a tree resting.

2006-02-15 [eyes of frost]: ((BRB have #### to do. ))

2006-02-15 [Yudan333]: ((ok))

2006-02-15 [Clive Scorch]: The cougar and Felil landed harshly on the ground below, but Felil moved without hesitation to his feet while the cat remained stunned from the blow to the head.

2006-02-15 [eyes of frost]: ((Back)) DAMN BLOCKS!!!!

2006-02-15 [eyes of frost]: Katira dozed off but not enough to dream. She was well aware of the things happening around her.

2006-02-15 [Clive Scorch]: Felil growled loudly as he clasped his mouth around the cougar's throat and began crushing. The cougar slashed wildly at Felil and tried desperatly to escape, but Felil held fast his crushing grip.

2006-02-16 [My Sky's The Limit]: Isis blended in the shadows *what the hell-* Isis thought

2006-02-16 [eyes of frost]: Katira woke and sat up. She rubbed her heda a little and yawned. She was tired still but...more hungry then not.

2006-02-16 [Clive Scorch]: With a final clasp of his jaws a strand of crimson blood shot through the night air and Felil had his life, his blood, and his sorrow. He let a long drawn out, mournful howl.

2006-02-19 [My Sky's The Limit]: *is he going to...* isis stopped herself from that thought.

2006-02-21 [eyes of frost]: Katira got up and walked around stretching her legs. Yudan was not in sight and she wondered where she had gone. Katira also looked for Crush...she was kind of sad he wasn't around.

2006-02-21 [Yudan333]: Crush came through some branches and stumbles to the ground. His sides both bleeding. He smirks, "they get better each time..." He coughs up some blood. His wounds slowly healing themselves. He had gone to feed not eating in nearly 3 days. he could go longer but he needed the strength.

2006-02-21 [eyes of frost]: Katira ran over to him and pulled him to the ground in a sitting position and opened her wrist. she might regret this later but she was going to help him heal quicker. "Here." She gave him her bleeding wrist and hoped he took wht she offered to him.

2006-02-21 [Yudan333]: He looked up to her he saw blur but knew her voice, the smell of her blood filled his nostrils. He felt her wrist close to his lips, he looked to her and nods, he pulls her hand to his lips and gently put his mouth over the cut. He only licked it as it bleed, he wouldn't suck in fear of hurting her. He gently licked up the crimson liquid as it hit his tongue.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: She rubbed his throat so he had to suck. She kissed his forehead and smiled.

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: He growls lightly as he was forced. He sighs lightl and pushed her hadn away. "Enough..." He lays back and relaxed, "His sides had stopped bleeding and he sighs in a bit of relief.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: She looked at him moving her hand away. "Try not to get stabbed the next time."

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs, "It's not like i mean to..." He looked up to her with his deep brown eyes.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: She looked at him. How could she not? She moved closer layi ng her head very softly on his chest and she took a deep breath.

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: He ran his hand hever her shoulder gently, "Are you alright? I didn't have too much did i?" He was worried for her.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: "No." She smiled to herself. "Why...why did you heal me like that?"

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: Crush looked up to the sky and held her close, "Because... I love you... and i think you deserve to have your own kin..."

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: "But I do have some of my own kin..." She looked at him slowly and sighed. "The didn't kill her...the last I knew they were holding her hostage in some governmental lab for expirimentations. And well...I think you would be considered my own kin now wouldn't you?"

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: Crush held her gently, "only if you wish me to be..." He smiles a bit and kisses her forehead.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: "only if you want to be." She looked up at the sky and smiled to herself. Myabe this time it would work out. She didn't know. She really shouldn't be willing to try but...there was just something about him that she wanted to see if it would work out...

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: Crush suddenly pulls her close to him and he gently french kisses her.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: She leaned in close to him and then pulled away slightly to look at him. "What was that for?" ((brb food...muahahaha...))

2006-02-22 [Yudan333]: ((lol okI may go because HW T.T)) "I'll accept..." He ran his hand through her hair pushing it away from her face.

2006-02-22 [eyes of frost]: She smiled and kissed his lips back deeply, and then she moved over to the skin just behind his ear and she bit him leaving her claim him.

2006-02-23 [Clive Scorch]: Felil gorged himself on the cougar's flesh. After eating a few bites his stomach began rejecting food, and with sickening hack and coughs he vomited all the meat back up. "Damnit...something to fill this emptiness...what?" He whined loudly and lied next to his kill.

2006-02-23 [Princess Mononoke]: San appeared up in a tree. Mono in wolf form on the floor. "were back." he said with a grin on his face, adn walked over to the ones he knew. San jumped onto his back smiling.

2006-02-23 [Raiyr]: ((O_O *has already tackled this person but does it again* *tackles!* *stops* Okay.. that's prolly getting annoying.. ^^;))

2006-02-23 [Princess Mononoke]: (lol)

2006-02-23 [Yudan333]: ((WB! ^ ^ *huggles*)) Crush smiles a bit and ran his hand over Katira's gently face.

2006-02-23 [eyes of frost]: ((YAY!!)) Katira looked at him for a moment. "What are you thinking Crush?"

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